Our cooking friends made Patriotic Flags today since their cooking day was on our one and only SNOW DAY! A BIG thank you goes to Samantha's mom for coming to our classroom today for cooking. We LOVE our
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Sharing Homework for March
Homework for the week of March 4-8: Choose your FANCY outfit and get ready to
come to the Kindergarten Art Gala on
Tuesday, March 5th 6:00-7:30 pm at the Performing Arts Center!
Homework for the week of March 11-15: March is reading month! Bring in a book that you would like to
recommend to your classmates. Please
help your child come up with 2 - 3 reasons why he/she likes this particular
book. We will use these recommendations
for a writing project.
Homework for the week of March 18-22: Measure
your house with shamrocks! A sheet will
be sent home in the Friday Folder on March 15th. Bring back the
completed sheet any day during the week to share your results with the class.
Homework for the week of March 25-28: Sharing of your own choosing.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Let's Get Fancy!
Our Kindergarten Art Gala is a FANCY event for all of our Kindergarten Friends and their families! The children are encouraged to dress-up fancy (as they say!) for the gala. All family members, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, and neighbors are invited to attend our Art Gala on Tuesday, March 5th at the Performing Arts Center which is located at the high school. You may enter the doors on the corner of Lake and Bagley. The Art Gala is from 6:00-7:30 and it will be an open house format so come when it works best for your family. We will be showcasing one very special piece of art work that your child has painted. All 3 kindergarten classes will be in attendance that evening as well. We will be taking photographs of each family that evening as well as showing a running slide show of all of the preparations of getting ready for our BIG event. We look forward to seeing everyone on March 5th!
Art Gala Update!
Our 2nd Annual Kindergarten Art Gala is right around the corner on Tuesday, March 5! Please be sure to check out the link below to help us make this a special night for your child and family.
We are in need of help for various things to make this night a night to remember! You will notice that I need help the day before the Art Gala to help me hang all of the paintings after school. You are welcome to bring your children because I know I will:) I could use help 1 hour before the Art Gala to do a final set-up and I am also in need of people to help me clean up after the Art Gala (take down paintings, load my car, clean up the snack table, etc.). Last year, it was a quick job because I had so many parent volunteers to help me. I am also in need of donations of water, cookies, and pretzels. Please check out the SIGN-UP GENIUS link if you have not already done so...I appreciate it!!!!
Thank you!
We are in need of help for various things to make this night a night to remember! You will notice that I need help the day before the Art Gala to help me hang all of the paintings after school. You are welcome to bring your children because I know I will:) I could use help 1 hour before the Art Gala to do a final set-up and I am also in need of people to help me clean up after the Art Gala (take down paintings, load my car, clean up the snack table, etc.). Last year, it was a quick job because I had so many parent volunteers to help me. I am also in need of donations of water, cookies, and pretzels. Please check out the SIGN-UP GENIUS link if you have not already done so...I appreciate it!!!!
Thank you!
Monday, February 18, 2013
Winter Wear
Please continue to send snow pants, boots, etc. every day. Even if we
are lucky enough to have some warm weather, our playground will be very
wet. I will have children wear snow pants on wet days to keep their
clothes dry.
No School Feb. 20, 21, and 22
Remember that we do not have school Wednesday-Friday this week. Teachers
will be participating in a district wide professional development
conference on Wednesday and Thursday.
Valentine's Day!
We made our own valentine lacing hearts.
We played Conversation Heart BINGO!
We made monogram key chains to hang from our backpacks!
We even made FIND-IT Jars! Great fine motor:)
A GREAT BIG thank you to all of the parents for helping with our Valentine's Day party!
It was so fun and wonderful thanks to all of YOU!
100's Day Festivities!
We kicked off the 100th Day of School with an assembly starring ZERO THE HERO!
We counted, sang, and heard a story from ZERO THE HERO!
We wrote our numerals all the way to 100!
We made necklaces with 100 Froot Loops! We also made patterns on our necklaces!
We made 100's Day Crowns!
Our 100's Day Snack Mix ~ Look at all of the ZEROS!
Filling our bags with ZERO shaped food was fun:)
Happy 100's Day to YOU!
Friday Cooking
A BIG thank you goes to Jori's mom for coming to our classroom this past Friday for cooking. Our cooking friends made Strawberry Yogurt Freeze for all of
us to enjoy:) We LOVE our
Friday, February 15, 2013
Kindergarten Pizza Party
The Kindergarten students donated the most desserts
for the Lakeside Carnival. All Kindergarten students will receive a
pizza party on February 19th at 11:27, thanks to the Lakeside PTA.
Students will be served pizza, a drink, and special treat. You do not
need to send a lunch that day.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Valentine's Day and 100's Day is Thursday, Feb. 14th
Due to the snow day last week, we will be celebrating the 100th Day of School on Feb. 14th in the morning. We will kick off the day with an assembly with no other than...Zero the Hero!!! If you have not already done so, please send in your ziploc bag of 100 items tomorrow, Feb. 13th because we will begin some of our 100's Day activities.
We have begun to pass out our valentines to our classmates. The valentine mailboxes are filling up quickly. Please be sure to have your valentines in school by tomorrow (Wednesday, Feb. 13th) if you have not already done so. Thursday is going to be very busy due to celebrating 100's Day and Valentine's Day on the same day. Thank you!
We have begun to pass out our valentines to our classmates. The valentine mailboxes are filling up quickly. Please be sure to have your valentines in school by tomorrow (Wednesday, Feb. 13th) if you have not already done so. Thursday is going to be very busy due to celebrating 100's Day and Valentine's Day on the same day. Thank you!
Groundhog! Groundhog! Where are You???
The groundhog did not see his shadow on Feb. 2nd which means an early spring....Our class is not so sure about Punxsutawney Phil's prediction because we feel like a snowy winter is here to stay! We made our very own groundhog puppets last week in honor of Punxsutawney Phil and Groundhog's Day!
Brrrrrr.....it's cold and snowy outside!
We enjoyed a surprise treat of hot chocolate and marshmallows after a cold and snowy recess and only 2 spills! Thankfully, Mr. Steve was nearby when we had the first spill on the carpet! Fortunately, we offered him hot chocolate with marshmallows after he cleaned up because moments later...we needed him again but with a mop this time:)
Friends enjoying hot chocolate:)
Warm tummies and BIG smiles!
Loving all of the marshmallows!
More warm tummies...
Another beautiful book bag!
Nina is at it again with a very clever February Book Bag for our classroom! The children LOVE waiting to see which Valentine book is inside each morning! We are so grateful that she makes these beautiful bags for our class:) Wait until you see the March bag she sent to us...
Friday Cooking
Better late than never! A BIG thank you goes to Sadie's mom for coming to our classroom on Feb. 1st
for cooking. Our cooking friends made Valentine Chex Mix for all of
us to enjoy:) We LOVE our
Monday, February 4, 2013
Sign-Up Genius to the Rescue!
Instead of me updating the blog again and again when someone new signs up to help...Please access the links below for volunteering in our classroom or for offering to donate 100's Day snacks! A BIG thank you to Megan M. for helping me with this:)
Please click on the desired link and VOILA!
Classroom Parent Volunteers: http://is.gd/GrinVolunteers
Please click on the desired link and VOILA!
Classroom Parent Volunteers: http://is.gd/GrinVolunteers
100's Day Snack Help: http://is.gd/Grin100sDay
Please let me know if you have any questions:)
Mrs. Grin
Classroom Parent Helpers
I think the kiddos are ready...
Below are some dates and times that I could use some help in our classroom. The times listed are mainly during our Work Board centers and extra hands are great during this time! I may also ask you to make copies, put books together, cut out things, etc...
So far, these are the dates and times we are going to begin with and see how it goes:)
Thank you!
Below are some dates and times that I could use some help in our classroom. The times listed are mainly during our Work Board centers and extra hands are great during this time! I may also ask you to make copies, put books together, cut out things, etc...
So far, these are the dates and times we are going to begin with and see how it goes:)
- Feb. 5 ~ 9:00-10:15
- Feb. 7 ~ 9:00-10:15
- Feb. 8 ~ Cooking 12:15-1:00 - Lisa L.
- Feb. 12 ~ 9:00-10:15
- Feb. 14 Valentine's Day Party 2:15-3:20 - All are welcome:)
- Feb. 15 ~ Cooking 12:15-1:00 - Jaclyn or Jim M.
- Feb. 18 ~ 9:00-10:15
- Feb. 19 ~ 9:00-10:15
- Feb. 26 ~ 9:00-10:15
- Feb. 27 ~ 9:00-10:15
- Feb. 28 ~ 9:00-10:15
- March 1 ~ Cooking 12:15-1:00 - Amy T.
Thank you!
100's Day Snack Help Needed
We will be making a 100's Day snack next week Wednesday using food shaped like ZEROS! If you are able to help contribute one of the items below, please let me know. Please send in the item on or before Wednesday, Feb. 13th. I will continue to update the list as it gets filled! We will also be making 100's Day necklaces using Froot Loops so we will need a couple boxes. We will be doing A LOT of counting on February 13th!
Thank you for your help:)
Thank you for your help:)
- 1 box of Cheerios
- 1 box of Froot Loops
- 1 box of Froot Loops
- 1 box of Apple Jacks
- 1 bag of Skittles
- 1 bag of Meijer brand circle pretzels
- 1 large bag of M&M's
- 1 container of raisins
- 1 bag of mini marshmallows
- 1 bag of oyster crackers
- 1 box of mini vanilla wafers
- 1 box of mini vanilla wafers
Lakeside Pride:
Nobody Runs
Calling all
adult runners… grab those running shoes and join the Lakeside
Pride! We are gathering a team for the 2013 5/3 Riverbank 25k run on May 11th.
Staff members
and parents are invited to run and help raise money in support of Mrs. Kehm while
she fights her fight since “nobody fights alone. We are running to raising
money for the West Michigan
Ronald McDonald House in honor of
Mrs. Kehm.
If you are
interested in joining our running team, please contact Mrs. Kirk mkirk@egrps.org
or Mrs. McIntosh kmcintos@egrps.org by February 8th. Training
schedules are available at Gazelle or online at www.5/3riverbackrun.com
5/3 race
registration and all donations will be made online. More information will
follow regarding the race team registration and online donations.
Sunday, February 3, 2013
February Sharing Homework
Homework for the week of February 4-8: Think about a time you were kind to someone and be ready to tell us all about it!
Homework for the week of February 11-15: We will celebrate the 100th Day of school on Wednesday, Feb. 13th! Please send in 100 items in a ziploc bag. Some suggestions are as follows: 100 paperclips, 100 Cheerios, 100 uncooked noodles, 100 small marshmallows, 100 Legos, 100 pennies, 100 buttons, etc. I would like the 100 items to be 100 of the same thing not 100 different things. Please send your 100 items in a ziploc on or before Feb. 13th. Please let me know if you have any questions!
Homework for the week of February 18 and 19: Due to the short week there will be no sharing.

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